An idea whose time has come

Hello and welcome to the BLAND Corporation. Or BLANDCorporatio, and the missing 'n' is not a typo. Well, not anymore.

This will be the place for me to post whatever stuff strikes my fancy. Which will eventually be mostly mathy things, especially since writing about them is one of the ways in which I try to learn. As Feynman said, you only really understand something if you can explain it in an undergraduate course. And most of the things I'll tackle will be fairly non-esoteric, at least if one followed a science/engineering study path. I'll also write about science in general, because I love it. Doing some computer simulations and maybe some simple experiments, pursuing some of my own musings on the thing, time and resources allowing.

I'll also write about art and fiction, sometimes my own, sometimes reviews of other people's work. I can't say I read as much as I should/want to. Not fiction anyway. So trying to review some story or novel every week or so should be a good 'excuse' to be less lazy and actually read. Because I do like to read, when I get to it. And I love surrealist artwork, though, bizarrely, not surrealist fiction. Coherence and narrative logic in stories, please.

As I mentioned, I may occasionally talk about my fiction. Because, every once in a blue moon, I do write, and recently decided to produce some work in the oh-so-visible, oh-so-critically-demanding and quality-oriented, world of fan-fiction. Truly I am hardcore. So anyway, I like building worlds and thinking about sciencey things while imagining scenarios, so I'll use this blog as a stage for what goes on behind the stage of my fiction. Writing a story should be about a plot involving interesting characters, and the setting should not call too much attention to itself. There's little place for a philosophical essay in a story, indeed, it's often detrimental. But in a blog post, that kind of thing is fine.

So yeah, let's see how this exercise in focused creativity goes. The BLAND Corporation is an idea whose time has come. Enjoy your stay!

PS: credit where it's due for setting a basic, but useful thing up: spoiler tags made by using code from Anggriawan Sugianto.


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